• AVA’s Informational Series

    The Alta Vista Academy Team would like to offer several informative meetings to inform our parents/guardians about topics that impact students. This series will include information about how to monitor student grades, information on project based learning activities at AVA, supplemental software programs that are used to help support students, after school/Saturday Academy sessions and… Read more


    The School Site Council (SSC) is composed of staff, parents/guardian and students elected by their peers. The SSC oversees the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and  carries out the following duties: Obtain recommendations for, and review of, the proposed SPSA from all school advisory committees Develop and approve the SPSA and related expenditures in… Read more

  • WASC Mid-Cycle Visit

    Hello AVA Parents & Parent Group Members, As you may know, Alta Vista Academy will be hosting a visiting WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) team for our mid-year WASC review. The visit is scheduled to take place on 2/27/23 & 2/28/23. We would really appreciate it if you could be on our parent… Read more

  • AVA School Site Council Meeting – 11/29/2022

    The School Site Council (SSC) is composed of staff, parents/guardian and students elected by their peers. The SSC oversees the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and  carries out the following duties: Obtain recommendations for, and review of, the proposed SPSA from all school advisory committees Develop and approve the SPSA and related expenditures in… Read more

  • AVA Student/Parent Handbook 2022-2023

    AVA Student/Parent Handbook 2022-2023 Read more


    The Alta Vista Academy SSC meeting will be conducted on-site and virtually to so the meeting is accessible to any and all parties interested. The AVA School Site Council Meeting will be open to the public via the link below.  10/12/2022 Agenda Topic: SSC Meeting Time: Oct 12, 2022 03:00 PM Pacific Time (US and… Read more

  • Alta Vista Academy’s Virtual Open House & Title I Meeting

    Inviting all Parents, Guardians, Educational Right’s Holders, Program Directors, Therapists, Students, Residential Staff, & all Stakeholders to learn about AVA and meet & greet teachers & staff. To join the Zoom Meeting, either use the link in the email or the information below: Join Zoom Meeting https://sweetwaterschools-org.zoom.us/j/89089573481?pwd=Z1N6cERvcWRyMjA1Q0Q2d29zQUMyQT09 Meeting ID: 890 8957 3481 Passcode: 599504 For… Read more


    AVA – SCHOOL SITE COUNCIL MEETING ON MARCH 16, 2022 02:30 PM PACIFIC TIME The Alta Vista Academy SSC meeting will be conducted on-site and virtually to so the meeting is accessible to any and all parties interested. The AVA School Site Council Meeting will be open to the public via the link below.  5/11/2022… Read more

  • AVA’s Informational Series

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  • AVA 1st Rocket Launch

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